125th Birthday Celebration Highlights: View the Youtube Video
Thornton Wilder Journal
The Thornton Wilder Journal welcomes articles on any aspect of Wilder Studies: analysis of the plays and novels, comparative studies featuring Wilder, explorations of and adaptations of Wilder’s works in the United States and abroad, and research on Wilder’s family and their creative and intellectual output. It also publishes reviews of books about Wilder and of professional productions or innovative non-professional productions.
Visit our Journal page for details on submissions, subscriptions, and published volumes.

Critical Analyses and Plot Summaries
Experience a deeper understanding of Wilder’s works with our plot summaries, critical analyses, additional commentary, and select bibliography.
Read critical analyses and plot summaries in our Works area.
Teaching Materials
A diverse group of professionals have donated instructional materials that may be downloaded and used by secondary and college teachers in their own classrooms. This page includes teaching guides, syllabi, group discussion prompts, paper topics, and presentation assignments.
View and download the Wilder teaching materials.
For all questions concerning publication, performance, and permissions rights, please contact the Thornton Wilder Family.