News 2006-2010

Theater director David Cromer, who won raves for his long-running off-Broadway production of Thornton Wilder's Our Town, has been named one of 23 MacArthur Fellows for 2010.
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Tappan Wilder, nephew of famed playwright Thornton Wilder and literary executor, and cast members of the critically acclaimed David Cromer production of Thornton Wilder’s Our Town, in association with The Thornton Wilder Society, will present the “Thornton Wilder Prize,” to Robert MacNeil on Saturday afternoon, May 22, 2010 at the Barrow Street Theatre.
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On Saturday, March 27, 2010, the Departments of English and Classics and the Center for Literary and Comparative Studies of the University of Maryland, College Park, The Thornton Wilder Society, and The Classical Association of the Atlantic States will sponsor A Colloquium on the Fiction of Thornton Wilder.
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The New York Times reports on the record-breaking number of performances for David Cromer's Barrow Street Theater production of Our Town.
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Charles Isherwood of The New York Times reviews the production of Our Town recently opened at the Barrow Street Theater.
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The First International Thornton Wilder Conference at The College of New Jersey has come and gone with great success but for those interested in learning about the panels, papers, and presenters, read on for a detailed schedule of events as well as brief biographies of conference participants.
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The following is Lincoln Konkle’s complete July 11 interview of David Hammond on his 2007 production of Thornton Wilder’s adaptation of Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House.
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With the release of Wilder’s Collected Plays & Writings on Theater by the Library of America, Jeremy McCarter of The New York Times examines Thornton Wilder and his works in his article, The Genius of Grover’s Corners.
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