News 2011-2015

Renowned playwright Paula Vogel will be awarded the Thornton Wilder Prize at the Second International Thornton Wilder conference on June 13, 2015, at Salve Regina University in Newport, Rhode Island.
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By day they are crisis workers, case managers, social workers, registered nurses, psychiatric technicians, therapists, and administrators.
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Information related to the Second International Thornton Wilder Conference is now conveniently collected in one location!
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As reported by Dan Clark of the Idaho Statesman, Thornton Wilder's 1938 Pulitzer Prize-winning play Our Town is coming to Norristown, Pennsylvania to help a good cause.
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An insightful interview with Carl Forsman, Dean of Drama at the University of North Carolina School for the Arts, provides interesting commentary on Wilder’s works.
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The deadline to submit paper proposals for The Second International Thornton Wilder Conference has been extended until November 17, 2014.
Update: The deadline for submitting a conference proposal was November 17, 2014. Thanks to all those who submitted proposals; you will be hearing from conference director Jackson R. Bryer by December 1st.
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Update: The deadline for submitting a conference proposal was November 17, 2014. Thanks to all those who submitted proposals; you will be hearing from conference director Jackson R. Bryer by December 1st.
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The 2014 issue of The Thornton Wilder Society Newsletter is now shipping, and includes a number of articles and new photos!
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An overview of Long Wharf Theater's production of Our Town includes an excellent history of the play and Wilder's connections with Connecticut, as well as commentary by the cast and artistic director, Gordon Edelstein, on the novel approach for this production.
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