In this fascinating piece, Julie-Anne Franko, Fulbright Scholar on American Drama to Ukraine, details her experiences teaching Wilder in a country where American Drama is all but unknown. The article details not only the need for more scholars like Ms. Franko but also the love for Wilder internationally.
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Ben Brantley of The New York Times reviews Paula Vogel's The Long Christmas Ride Home, which he notes Vogel describes as "a latter-day answer to Thornton Wilder's Our Town."
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Although Wilder is known primarily for his drama and fiction, he also has made a real impact on film.
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On April 12, Seth Poppel, who has an impressive collection of the high school yearbooks of noted Americans and Canadians, wrote us that Thornton Wilder's 1915 yearbook from Berkeley High School in Berkeley, California was in his collection.
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On Friday, March 28, American Opera Projects, Inc. presented a concert reading of excerpts from her opera, The Bridge of San Luis Rey.
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2003 is a grand year for Wilder. HarperCollins, in a major publishing venture, is reissuing Wilder’s novels and plays in nine volumes, all with introductions by noted writers and playwrights. The volumes will be issued in three series of three.
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Everyone’s hungry for Wilder! Packages of Kellogg's Raisin Bran currently feature quotations from famous figures, such as Churchill, Twain, Eleanor Roosevelt and Einstein. Wilder's contribution is the famed last sentence of The Bridge of San Luis Rey.
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James Magruder recently spoke about Wilder the playwright with Penelope Niven, who is writing a biography of Thornton Wilder.
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